How The Breakdown Of Trust With The Police Impacts Black Lives | ThinkProgress

For many African Americans, tuning into the nightly news and skimming through social media timelines has become an exercise in maintaining psychological well-being. The barrage of videos in which police officers attack and kill black people, along with ongoing discussions about race-based violence, can elicit fears that they, too, may succumb to an officer’s bullet….

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The Videos That Are Putting Race and Policing Into Sharp Relief – The New York Times

Surveillance video showed Officer Timothy Loehmann, who is white, hopping out of a police cruiser and immediately firing two shots at Tamir Rice, 12, killing him at close range. Before the shooting, Tamir, who was black, had been using a fake gun that looked strikingly like the real thing.  The Videos That Are Putting Race…

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How Many Times Has Your Personal Information Been Exposed to Hackers? – The New York Times

The Internet was built for openness and speed, not for security. As more and more services, infrastructure and personal information move online, they have all become targets for hackers, who constantly scan the Internet for potential security holes and entry points. At government agencies, old, out-of-date systems and budget shortfalls have left information vulnerable. Security…

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Woman dies in Cleveland Heights jail – WSMV Channel 4

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, OH (WOIO) – An investigation has launched after a 37-year-old Cleveland woman died in jail over the weekend.Ralkina Jones died at the Cleveland Heights Police Station Jail located at 40 Severance Circle on Sunday. The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner performed an autopsy on Monday and identified no suspicious injuries. A cause of death is pending further…

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So a hacker brought down your news site. Now what? New York magazine found out today » Nieman Journalism Lab

So let’s say you’re a New York–based publication which has just published the words and portraits of 35 women who have accused Bill Cosby of rape — on your cover no less. Then a hacker decides to launch an all-out distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, bringing your servers to their knees. The first reports…

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