Tania Harris, 18-Year-Old High School Student, Charged With Assault After Being Shot by Police | City Pages

Black Lives Matter dropped its original claim that Tania was unarmed when she was shot Black Lives Matter backed off its claim that cops were lying about 18-year-old Tania Harris having a knife when she was shot last Thursday night, but her family and their supporters are still outraged. They argue even though she did…

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Two Videos of the Same Arrest in Baltimore Shows How MSM Does Not Give You the Whole Truth | The Free Thought Project

Baltimore, MD — Just minutes after the police state curfew went into effect in Baltimore Saturday night, the brutality began. However, the actual coverage of that brutality varies depending on who is telling this story. The first video of the arrest is put out by CNN. It begins with a semi-conscious man laying on the ground…

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Seattle Proposes a Gun Tax That Could Make Wonks Swoon – The Trace

/.article-header__top Economists on the left and right alike embrace the theory behind the levy the city council president wants to implement. But the political realities are where things get sticky. /.article-header__hgroup /.article-meta /.l__article-header Gun violence doesn’t just harm individual victims — shootings also strain public coffers when the government is on the hook for medical…

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WikiLeaks Is Now a Target In the Massive Spam Attack on Bitcoin | Motherboard

The Bitcoin network is being hammered by a massive spam attack, and the targets now include WikiLeaks and Voat, the upstart Reddit clone that became a home for Redditors fleeing the site after new anti-harassment policies were instituted. The onslaught began earlier this week, when thousands of tiny Bitcoin transactions—called “dust”—were sent across the network…

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New York City Is Going to Stop Making Non-Violent Offenders Pay Bail

Citing dismal conditions at Rikers Island and a 16-year-old who committed suicide after he was jailed without charges for three years, the city of New York announced Wednesday plans to eliminate bail requirements for non-violent and low-level offenders. http://gawker.com/teen-jailed-fo… According to the AP, which broke the story, about 45,000 people are held on bail in…

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Computer programmer’s triumph over Goldman Sachs highlights America’s outdated legal system – Quartz

A New York judge on Monday threw out charges accusing a former computer programmer of stealing code from Goldman Sachs, bringing a six-year battle toward a close and highlighting how America’s legal system has failed to keep up with the rapid changes of the digital age. In the end, the protracted trial of Sergey Aleynikov,…

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Since 2009, the FBI has recorded just one racially motivated church burning | Fusion

Since the shooting of nine members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC earlier this month, a string of fires have burned at at least seven Southern churches, most of them predominantly black. Federal officials have launched investigations into the fires to determine if they are hate crimes. Authorities suspect that natural…

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FBI investigating 11 attacks on San Francisco-area Internet lines

<![endif] [if gt IE 9]>><![endif][if IE 9]>< ![endif][if IE 8]>< ![endif][if gt IE 8]>><![endif][if lt IE 9]>< ![endif][if lt IE 9]>< ![endif] p402_premium class is utilized by Google Consumer Surveys UP NEXT 03 The FBI is investigating string of attacks against the Internet backbone in California, including one early Tuesday morning. Trevor Hughes/USA TODAY The…

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