Seattle Cops Hire the Programmer That Demanded All Their Body Cam Video

The Seattle Police have hired the programmer who inundated the department with requests for footage from the city’s police body camera program last year, and then later, requested nearly every email Washington State government ever sent. If you can’t beat ‘em, hire ‘em. Yep, The Stranger reports that Seattle Police will hire 24-year-old programmer Tim…

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How public shaming on the Internet unfairly targets women

The Sony email hack is making the rounds again—but not for the reason you might expect. After WikiLeaks republished the embattled company’s emails in their entirety last weekend, certain aspects of Sony’s very public embarrassment have once again been making headlines. Perhaps one of the strangest revelations to have gained traction is ex-Sony chief Amy…

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How riding your bike can land you in trouble with the cops — if you’re black | Tampa Bay Times

If the tickets are any indication, Tampa residents must be the lousiest bicyclists in Florida. They don’t use lights at night. Don’t ride close enough to the curb. Can’t manage to keep their hands on the handlebars. In the past three years, Tampa police have written 2,504 bike tickets — more than Jacksonville, Miami, St….

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Mississippi Cops Are Using College Kids As Drug Informants – BuzzFeed News

I’m fucked, Andy remembered thinking. The agents told him they had photos, and videos too. He wasn’t sure how this could’ve happened. He’d grown up in Oxford, Mississippi, and only bought weed from friends. Yet the agents were telling him they’d caught him making three purchases for a total of 12.3 grams, enough to send…

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Freddie Gray dies a week after being injured during arrest – Baltimore Sun

Freddie Gray, a Baltimore man injured during an arrest by Baltimore police last week, died Sunday at Shock Trauma, prompting protests by city residents and out-of-town activists and promises from city officials for a thorough investigation. Gray, 25, died a week after he suffered a broken vertabra after being arrested near Gilmor Homes in Sandtown-Winchester….

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Yelp won’t have to turn over names of anonymous users after court ruling – The Washington Post

The Virginia Supreme Court ruled that lower courts in the state did not have jurisdiction over Yelp because the company was located in California and its data being sought was stored in that state. (Tim Boyle/Bloomberg) The Virginia Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a judge did not have the authority to compel Yelp to reveal…

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The Piracy ‘Problem’ With Periscope Really Isn’t One | WIRED

Piracy is a serious issue. Live-streaming apps like Periscope and Meerkat have plenty of sticky societal implications. These are two indisputable facts! Let’s not make the mistake, though, of assuming that they overlap. This week, HBO confirmed that it sent takedown notices to Periscope, the Twitter-owned emporium of bored iPhone owners showing off their cats…

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Deputy who killed man after mistaking gun for Taser is an insurance exec who pays to play cop

Reserve sheriff’s deputy Robert Bates and shooting victim Eric Harris (Tulsa Police Department) The reserve Tulsa County Sheriff’s deputy who fatally shot and killed a man last week when he thought he had pulled his Taser, is part of a group of wealthy donors who make large contributions to the department for the privilege of…

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