Kathryn Borel just destroyed Ghomeshi’s and the CBC’s efforts to rescue their reputations | Financial Post

So much for best-laid plans. After hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal and public-relations fees, Jian Ghomeshi once again looked to be riding high, his reputation, if not fully rehabilitated, at least rejuvenated. He’d made some smart moves. Rather than rushing forward with an ill-fated attempt to come at the CBC seeking arbitration for…

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The Tactics Used By Ghomeshi’s Lawyers Once Worked On The Same Judge – BuzzFeed News

The judge overseeing the Jian Ghomeshi trial once threw out a similar — and even stronger — case after lawyers used some of the same tactics employed by Ghomeshi’s defence team. Like the Ghomeshi trial, the 2008 case involved a man accused of multiple sexual assaults. Like the Ghomeshi trial, defence lawyers attacked the complainants…

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Canadian Housing & Mortgage Investment Corporations – Time To Worry? | Zero Hedge

via Valuewalk.com, The Canadian housing market has done extremely well for a very long time. As such, many people expect the trend to continue. That said, there are major vulnerabilities in the Canadian economy that pose a threat to the housing market’s continued success. In the following report we will examine the economy, the financial…

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