France Arrests a Comedian For His Facebook Comments, Showing the Sham of the West’s “Free Speech” Celebration – The Intercept

Forty-eight hours after hosting a massive march under the banner of free expression, France opened a criminal investigation of a controversial French comedian for a Facebook post he wrote about the Charlie Hebdo attack, and then this morning, arrested him for that post on charges of “defending terrorism.” The comedian, Dieudonné (above), previously sought elective office in…

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Charlie Hebdo: the danger of polarised debate | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

‘Far from being ‘sacred’, as some have claimed, freedom of speech is always contingent.’ Photograph: Joel Saget/AFP In times of crisis, those who would like us to keep just one idea in our heads at any one time are quick to the megaphones. By framing events in Manichean terms – dark versus light; good versus…

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This map shows every attack on French Muslims since Charlie Hebdo – Vox

Since the terrorist attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the country’s Muslim community, despite universally and repeatedly condemning the attack, has come under a wave of misguided “reprisal” attacks. The attacks are being mapped by a respected British anti-Islamophobia group, Tell MAMA UK (MAMA stands for measuring anti-Muslim attacks). This map details the incidents since they…

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Moral Clarity « LRB blog

After 9/11, Le Monde declared: ‘Nous sommes tous Américains.’ The love affair was short-lived: as soon as the French declined to join the war against Iraq, American pundits called them ‘cheese-eating surrender monkeys’ and French fries were renamed ‘freedom fries’. When Obama took office, relations warmed, but the tables were turned: the new administration in…

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“I’M NOT CHARLIE”: Leaked Al Jazeera Newsroom Emails Reveal Charlie Hebdo Debate – BuzzFeed News

The internal staff email chain began with a Jan. 8 email from Al Jazeera English’s executive producer Salah-Aldeen Khadr, asking his reporters to interrogate whether the attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper was “really an attack on free speech” and whether the slogan “Je Suis Charlie/I Am Charlie” is “alienating.” Describing the incident as a…

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