For the first time in my life, the prospect of a united Ireland is not only credible but inevitable | The Independent

In order for the UK to enact its post-Brexit immigration policies and leave the single market, it must be able to control its borders. It is impossible to overstate the horror with which such a wall between the north and south would be greeted scald=4585456:article_responsive_images [if IE 9]>< ![endif][if IE 9]>< ![endif] END scald=4585456 St Patrick’s Day celebrations:…

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London breaches annual air pollution limit for 2017 in just five days | Environment | The Guardian

London has breached its annual air pollution limits just five days into 2017, a “shameful reminder of the severity of London’s air pollution”, according to campaigners. By law, hourly levels of toxic nitrogen dioxide must not be more than 200 micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3) more than 18 times in a whole year, but late…

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UK adopts antisemitism definition to combat hate crime against Jews | Society | The Guardian

The government is to formally adopt a definition of what constitutes antisemitism, which includes over-sweeping condemnation of Israel, with Theresa May saying the measure will help efforts to combat hate crime against Jews. Britain will become one of the first countries to use this definition of antisemitism, as agreed last May at a conference of…

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Maria Schneider’s story is no surprise – Hollywood has always treated women as commodities

From Last Tango in Paris to Basic Instinct, we are now discovering the unsavoury truth about sex scenes. “This must be the most powerfully erotic movie ever made, and it may turn out to be the most liberating movie ever made,” gushed the critic Pauline Kael about Last Tango in Paris in 1972. The anonymous sex between Paul (Marlon Brando)…

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White Supremacist Thomas Mair Jailed For The Rest Of His Life For Murdering Labour MP Jo Cox – BuzzFeed News

A 53-year-old white supremacist will spend the rest of his life in prison after being found guilty of murdering Labour MP Jo Cox in what the trial judge called a vicious and premeditated attack “designed to advance the cause of violent white nationalism”. Thomas Mair, whose home was littered with Nazi literature and memorabilia as…

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With a Meeting, Trump Renewed a British Wind Farm Fight –

LONDON — When President-elect Donald J. Trump met with the British politician Nigel Farage in recent days, he encouraged Mr. Farage and his entourage to oppose the kind of offshore wind farms that Mr. Trump believes will mar the pristine view from one of his two Scottish golf courses, according to one person present. The meeting, held shortly after the…

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