Government Workers Cannot Be Fired for Their Political Views – The Atlantic

The First Amendment forbids widespread loyalty purges. Illustration by The Atlantic. Source: Getty Just a few years ago, then-Senator J. D. Vance of Ohio said that if Donald Trump were reelected, he would advise the president to “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state” and “replace them with our people.”…

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Trump and Twitter

.entry-header In December 2016, when then-President-elect Donald Trump summoned tech leaders to Trump Tower for a roundtable discussion, there was considerable debate about whether or not executives like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Larry Page, Apple’s Tim Cook, and Microsoft’s Satya Nadella should accept the invitation. I argued that they absolutely should in this Daily Update…

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One Nation Under Pizza Ranch

Illustration: Angelica Alzona (GMG) SOMEWHERE IN IOWA—Here is what happened, right before everything began to go to hell: It was June of 2015. The president was Barack Obama. I was a reporter for, a thriving independent media outlet. The 2016 presidential election was a year away, and the campaign season had just begun in…

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NATO summit: Trump calls Germany a ‘captive of Russia,’ slams other European allies – The Washington Post

BRUSSELS — President Trump unleashed a blistering attack Wednesday on Germany and other NATO allies, wasting no time to take the offensive before a week of high-stakes diplomacy on both sides of the former Cold War divide. The series of meetings — beginning with NATO and capped by a summit with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin…

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On the Eve of the NATO Summit, Trump Has Pissed Away the Pax Americana

PARIS—Modern Europe—liberal, democratic Europe—is a creation of the United States. This story was once known to every American, but as the generation responsible for this achievement dies, it seems this knowledge is no longer passed down. The United States built the modern order upon an architecture of specific institutions: the United Nations, the International Monetary…

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