These Hilarious Harry Potter Comics Show How Irresponsible Dumbledore Was

These Hilarious Harry Potter Comics Show How Irresponsible Dumbledore Was… Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore was actually the master of the “Dumbleburn.” He was full of little bits of wisdom like this one. But one artist has been showing a different side of Dumbledore — one that might explain some of his choices. This…

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Burning Man Is Infested With Horrible Bugs

I believe in the power of an almighty God who is both just and terrible in his wrath: America’s least favorite gathering of startup dorks on MDMA is swarming with a plague of nightmarish, biting bugs.… From the official Burning Man blog: You may have seen the bug rumors on the internet. We are…

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Courtroom Artist Needlessly Apologizes For Tom Brady Masterpiece: Gothamist

Yesterday, the Manhattan appeals trial around DeflateGate—and specifically, Tom Brady’s four game suspension for his alleged role in it—was completely overshadowed by a courtroom artist’s rendering of him, instantly transorming him from America’s golden boy into something reminiscent of the work of Lucian Freud. Artist Jane Rosenberg has now needlessly apologized for staring into Brady’s…

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21 Times Facebook Trending Went Way, Way Too Far

1. The time Brad Pitt got food. Via Twitter: @AmyOtto8 2. The time Jennifer Lawrence wore clothes. Via Twitter: @marqualler 3. The time a bunch of bees got loose. Via 4. The time Kendall Jenner decided to wear clothes that DIDN’T cover the lower half of her legs. Via Twitter: @DavidToluGraham 5. The time we learned what April Fools’ Day was. Via Twitter: @dtrombino…

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