Study: Feminist Ryan Gosling meme makes men more feminist – Vox

Could the Feminist Ryan Gosling meme be a secret weapon in the struggle for gender equality? Realistically, exposing men to a smattering of feminist theory superimposed onto photos of Gosling’s smoldering gaze and smoldering-er abs isn’t going to undo centuries of patriarchy. But a studyby two PhD students at the University of Saskatchewan suggests that, oddly…

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A groundhog just chomped down on a Wisconsin mayor’s ear – Business Insider

Letting a rodent whisper into your ear can be dangerous. The mayor of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, learned this lesson the hard way during Monday’s Groundhog Day celebrations. According to the Associated Press, Mayor Jonathan Freund let a handler hold a groundhog named Jimmy next to his face. Jimmy proceeded to bite down on Freund’s ear:…

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Settlers of Catan Publisher Mayfair Games Offering Extra Extra and Flea Market Tabletop Games | The Escapist

Mayfair Games, the publisher behind Settlers of Catan and Cones of Dunshire, is offering Extra Extra and Flea Market within the next two months. Settlers of Catan is pretty fun, but if you find yourself playing it as much as the Green Bay Packers, it might be time to mix things with another tabletop game….

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