Roger Ailes Hulks Up With Hogan’s Lawyer, But Will New York Mag Cave? | Deadline

Acting on behalf of deposed Fox News honcho Roger Ailes and wife Elizabeth, attorney Charles Harder –  Hulk Hogan’s libel lawyer – has requested that New York magazine and writer Gabriel Sherman preserve all documents pertaining to the Ailes, a not-so-subtle threat of possible legal action in response to the magazine’s damning article about sexual…

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Algorithms are now controlling Facebook’s Trending topics. What does that mean for news? » Nieman Journalism Lab

Mere hours after Facebook announced that its Trending section would become more algorithmically controlled, users noticed that the social network was surfacing a fake news story about Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly is trending on Facebook for an article that has no basis in reality. — Kyle Blaine (@kyletblaine) August 29, 2016…

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Inside Facebook’s (Totally Insane, Unintentionally Gigantic, Hyperpartisan) Political-Media Machine – The New York Times

This was, for most news organizations, a boon. The flood of visitors aligned with two core goals of most media companies: to reach people and to make money. But as Facebook’s growth continued, its influence was intensified by broader trends in internet use, primarily the use of smartphones, on which Facebook became more deeply enmeshed…

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The AP’s big exposé on Hillary meeting with Clinton Foundation donors is a mess – Vox

Tuesday afternoon, Stephen Braun and Eileen Sullivan of the Associated Press released the results of a review of State Department appointment data that they used to make some striking claims about Hillary Clinton’s schedule as secretary of state. According to their reporting, Clinton spent a remarkably large share of her time as America’s chief diplomat…

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