Newsonomics: Sketching in the details of Josh Topolsky’s new Outline » Nieman Journalism Lab

Don’t call Josh Topolsky’s just-announced The Outline “a New Yorker for millennials.” Or do. The 38-year-old digital media veteran of Engadget, The Verge, and Bloomberg can see it, and explain it, both ways. I asked the CEO and editor-in-chief of the just-announced site, launching in the fall, what he thought about that shorthand description. “I…

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WSJ Reporter: Homeland Security Tried to Take My Phones at the Border | Motherboard

  On Thursday, a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporter claimed that the Department of Homeland Security demanded access to her mobile phones when she was crossing the border at the Los Angeles airport. The case highlights the powers that border agents purport to have, and how vulnerable sensitive information can be when taken through airports…

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The unpredictable course of live streaming has caught us unprepared | Media | The Guardian

Although live streaming capabilities have been around for more than five years, the ubiquity of the livestream has only really taken flight with the advent of “Facebook Live”. This week at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, the largest broadcaster by some measures will be Facebook. There will be a Facebook Live facility where…

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