The Sad State of Journalism

Some time ago, I was invited to sit on a journalism panel and speak to Temple University grad students in journalism about the changes in the profession. The discussion focused on 1) the demise of newspapers, 2) online vs. traditional journalism and the most important question of all: Is a career in journalism worth it?…

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Dean Baquet Responds To “Gay Talese Goes Through the Twitter Wringer” | The New York Times Company

NYT executive editor Dean Baquet responds to “Gay Talese Goes Through the Twitter Wringer“: “We published a story yesterday about controversial remarks made by the writer Gay Talese concerning female journalists at a conference at Boston University. The story also recounted an exchange between Talese and Nikole Hannah-Jones, a keynote speaker at the conference and…

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Perfectly Reasonable Question: Why No Big Splash for ‘Panama Papers’? – The New York Times

The “Panama Papers” are being called the largest ever leak of secret data, and articles about the offshore bank accounts of bigwigs worldwide — developed by a global consortium of journalists — began appearing Sunday afternoon. They burst into the Sunday afternoon news lull, getting huge play in media outlets around the world and in…

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The Panama Papers: How the Massive Document Leak Came to Be – Fortune

A quiet spring weekend was suddenly shattered on Sunday when news of the “Panama Papers” investigation broke. The massive international project involved approximately 400 journalists across 75 countries, plowing through roughly 11.5 million documents from a secretive Panamanian law firm specializing in creating offshore holding companies. The investigation took more than a year, commencing after…

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How The Telegraph built its new CMS by focusing on simplicity » Nieman Journalism Lab

Starting Wednesday, about 95 percent of content the British newspaper The Telegraph publishes online will flow through a new content management system — one that it developed in-house through a collaboration between its product team and the newsroom, aimed at simplifying its digital publishing process. “Our old content management system is about 10 years old…

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