Guide to Advertising Technology – Columbia Journalism Review

Executive Summary Advertising technology has built a massive technical infrastructure. The technology and motivations of advertising undergird the economy of the internet. News sites are no exception. The information we seek about our world is underpinned with, and shaped by, advertising and its needs. Journalists need to know more about these technologies, how they work,…

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This Is What It Takes for a Trump Voter to Change Their Mind – VICE

“What does it take for a Donald Trump voter to renounce their decision?” is a question worth exploring as 2020 approaches, especially considering the fervency of his followers, who often seem less interested in policy, and more fixated on the bogus immigration threat and alleged conspiracies against their beloved leader. On Monday, the Washington Post…

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The digital-media bubble is bursting. That’s hurting a generation of promising young journalists. – The Washington Post

About five years ago, I was asked to visit the newsroom at Mic, a digital-media start-up backed by venture capital and focused on news for the millennial audience. As the public editor of the New York Times, I suppose I was seen as an expert in traditional journalism ethics — especially through the eyes of…

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Employees Say Startup Civil Hyped Crypto Returns, But Failed to Pay

Civil was supposed to create a more transparent and democratic model for journalism. But so far, journalists working on its platform have yet to receive all of the compensation they say they were promised when hired. According to several current and former employees of news organizations sponsored by the blockchain startup, Civil told journalists in…

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CBC’s longstanding tech columnist condemns the broadcaster’s cozy relationship with Facebook / Boing Boing

Jesse Hirsh the CBC Toronto’s longstanding and deservedly respected tech columnist, a fixture for many words, interpreting the tech news of the day for the public broadcaster’s nonexpert audience, explaining how tech’s turns and twists are relevant to their lives.   This week, Hirsh covered the New York Times’s blockbuster report on Facebook, which revealed…

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All The Dating Apps, Ranked by How Badly They’ll Disappoint You – VICE

This article originally appeared on VICE UK. Every single and lonely millennial is on at least two dating apps. Without them, it would be impossible to meet someone at a Time Out-approved Bavarian beer hall pop-up and split an Uber home for profoundly disappointing sex. The amount of rutting you can actually get done off…

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