Facebook May Host News Sites’ Content – NYTimes.com

Nothing attracts news organizations like Facebook. And nothing makes them more nervous. With 1.4 billion users, the social media site has become a vital source of traffic for publishers looking to reach an increasingly fragmented audience glued to smartphones. In recent months, Facebook has been quietly holding talks with at least half a dozen media…

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No accident that this is Headline of the Day

I’m trying to find out who gets credit for the headline. Update: It’s Graeme Bruce, “but I kneaded a little help from the newsroom,” he tweets. (h/t Grant Hamilton) * Bread truck rolls over, hundreds of loaves toast (brandonsun.com) * Earlier: Big rig carrying fruit crashes, creates jam (jimromenesko.com) < ?php if( class_exists(‘Add_to_Any_Subscribe_Widget’) ) {…

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As “Meerkat Election” hype grows, the presidential primary winner is Twitter | digiphile

The New York Times “First Draft” and Politico Playbook picked up the “Meerkat Election” idea today, so get ready for the hype cycle to wash through the commentariat. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush “meerkatted” yesterday — which is to say, used an app integrated with Twitter on his smartphone to livestream an event online. If…

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Obama Just Officially Decided White House Emails Aren’t Subject to the Freedom of Information Act | Mother Jones

Chris Martino/Flickr Civil liberties advocates are adding another strike to the Obama administration’s record on transparency: on Monday, the White House announced that it is officially ending the Freedom of Information Act obligations of its Office of Administration. That office provides broad administrative support to the White House—including the archiving of emails—and had been subject…

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