the savviest dupes

Jay Rosen coined a term to describe the basic attitude of our professional journalism and commentary class, the Cult of the Savvy. Rosen: “In politics, our journalists believe, it is better to be savvy than it is to be honest or correct on the facts. It’s better to be savvy than it is to be…

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How Gawker Brings In Millions Selling Headphones, Chargers and Flashlights – WSJ

Dec. 31, 2015 11:36 a.m. ET Gawker Media, a network of websites known for pillorying the powerful in media, tech and politics, has helped sell millions of cable ties to readers looking to control their tangled messes of electronic cords. Gawker has also been hawking flashlights, laser printers, headphones, car phone chargers and a 42-piece…

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Double standards cited amid armed protest in Oregon – Al Jazeera English

Anealla Safdar | 03 Jan 2016 08:54 GMT | US & Canada, US, Crime 3222   19 Follow Anealla Safdar on Twitter:  @anealla Source: Al Jazeera [<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “#OregonUnderAttack” on Storify</a>] Follow Anealla Safdar on Twitter:  @anealla [&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=”//” target=”_blank”&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;View the story “#OregonUnderAttack” on Storify&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;] Source: Al Jazeera Double standards cited amid armed protest in Oregon – Al Jazeera English.

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SPJ Kunkel Awards » Blog Archive » Outing a judge | A Society of Professional Journalists Blog

Meet Gideon Grudo. Actually, before I do that, let me explain… Judges for journalism contests are almost always anonymous. I’ve judged high school, college, and professional contests and never told anyone but my wife (who didn’t give a crap as long as it didn’t cut into our wine drinking). That wasn’t because I feared criticism — any…

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FOLD: Digital Journalism Beyond 140 Characters — Slice of MIT from the MIT Alumni Association

“Fifty Years of Walking in Space and What We Found There” includes context cards with videos about the first space walk in 1965, NASA TV, and space robots. Even in an era of online, hyperlinked journalism, many stories need more than 140 characters. So MIT Media Lab researchers are working on storytelling techniques that combine…

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No Offense

It’s strange to edit a feminist website when almost nothing offends you, because the feminist website is traditionally imagined to run on offense. This is not how we imagine it ourselves while we’re working. I’ve learned it slowly, watching strangers react. The model, I gather, is that of a factory, which ideally functions like this:…

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Bank of America gets Twitter to delete journalist’s joke, says he violated copyright | Ars Technica

cache hit 563:single/related:4861a39a1ee11a645b43759d829fff5a empty The founding editor of Business Insider UK, Jim Edwards, had a bank delete two of his tweets today. In an e-mail, Bank of America told Edwards that his tweets violated the bank’s copyright and that if he kept it up, they’d see to it that his Twitter account was deleted. “Investment banks…

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