Disguises — for ads and for devices — are becoming a bigger part of mobile ads | VentureBeat | Marketing | by Barry Levine

The evolution of the mobile ad ecosystem is ushering in some new disguises. I spoke recently with several practitioners about where mobile ads are heading. “The customer experience [of mobile ads] is totally broken,”  Joe Prusz, ad tech firm Rubicon Project’s head of mobile, told me, referring to both web and in-app ads. He pointed…

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REFORM ADVERTISING — Whither news? — Medium

REFORM ADVERTISING …before it is too late Advertising is broken and we in journalism and media must take responsibility for reinventing it — because advertisers and their agencies will not and because our very survival depends upon it. The moral of the story of adblockers’ success is that the public has taken charge of its next industry — advertising….

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New York Times editor: “We have to treat comments as content” » Nieman Journalism Lab

News organizations must treat reader comments with the same level of consideration that they treat their own stories, New York Times community editor Bassey Etim said today speaking on a panel at this year’s Computation + Journalism Symposium at Columbia University. “We have to treat comments as content,” Etim said. “We can’t cede the social…

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Gannett’s Chief People Officer would like to see more people volunteer to leave Gannett JIMROMENESKO.COM

Gannett’s Chief People Officer would like to see more people volunteer to leave Gannett A Romenesko reader writes: “I am not eligible for the early retirement buyout, but several of my colleagues are. They feel like they are now being pressured to take it, even though it’s supposed to be completely voluntary. “They also see…

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What The Butler Collegian Controversy Says About the Struggle for Student Press Freedom in America – The Atlantic

Until recently, Loni McKown was the envy of the college media-advising world. As the student-newspaper adviser at Butler University in Indianapolis, her evaluations were sterling. Grads were landing impressive reporting jobs. Beginning in 2011—for the first time in the student newspaper’s history—national awards started adorning the walls of the newsroom. But on September 4, McKown,…

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IAB Enters Publicity, Engineering War Against Ad Blockers | Special: Advertising Week 2015 – Advertising Age

IAB President-CEO Randall Rothernberg AD UNIT 1 /AD UNIT 1 The Interactive Advertising Bureau elevated its fight against ad blockers on Tuesday, with President-CEO Randall Rothenberg renewing what he called his “cri de coeur” against the practice and showcasing small publishers being hurt by the practice. The organization also said it was taking new steps…

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