Why We Title Things The Way We Do – YouTube
“The internet is full of shit and that’s making us all stupid.” via Why We Title Things The Way We Do – YouTube.
Stream of Reading (Prepare to be Forwarded) – An Archive of What I'm Reading
“The internet is full of shit and that’s making us all stupid.” via Why We Title Things The Way We Do – YouTube.
FKA Capital New York reports: At the behest of chief financial officer David Geithner, starting this Wednesday, sources familiar with the matter told POLITICO, the global business advisory firm FTI Consulting will begin meeting with Condé Nast employees to help assess things like editorial workflow, processes and productivity across the company’s nearly two dozen titles,…
Oh hey, New York Times Facebook word-writer social media person, what are YOU doing? Oh, just posting this article with these words written above it? Ah, we see. And what salacious wonders will we find when we click on this article about how Huma Abedin is “back in the spotlight”? Because, from the words you wrote…
We love you, Alison and Adam. pic.twitter.com/hLSzQi06XE — WDBJ7 (@WDBJ7) August 26, 2015 BBC reporters Franz Strasser and Tara McKelvey encountered a big obstacle in their coverage of a double slaying of journalists at a Virginia mall. The two reporters were covering the manhunt of the suspected shooter when they were ordered to delete footage by…
I got some flak when I wrote about the hellmouth of HR awfulness that is Amazon. Obviously I just hate the disruptive disruptors doing their important disruption. I’d never write about the mendacious mediocrities driving the media even further into a stinking trench, would I? How would I ever get my dream job at ‘Vogue’…
After the Ashley Madison hack spooked moralizing hypocrites and millions of would-be adulterers, the Associated Press conducted an investigation into the data that turned up “workers at more than two dozen Obama administration agencies” who had been using the cheating site from their government desks. The AP tracked down the offending bureaucrats by tracing the…
Tom Nash, journalist and FOIA agitator The city of Richmond, Va., recently unveiled an open data portal that gives people access to important data that had long languished in dark corners of its website. Everything from crime data to property records are easily searchable and downloadable, with all sorts of charts and datasets ready to…
Alison Parker and Adam Ward – WDBJ Alison Parker and Adam Ward – WDBJ MONEAT, Virginia – A reporter and photographer from a local news station in Roanoke were shot and killed during a live news interview on Wednesday morning. The shooting occurred at Smith Mountain Lake in Moneta, Virginia. WDBJ confirmed the deaths of…
‘The rapacious Ms. Huffington seems to believe that journalism skills are worth nothing’ David Sze, who works for Arianna Huffington, sent this note to veteran journalist Lauren Lipton last week: Subject: Inquiry from Arianna Huffington’s office: Hi Lauren, I’m David, a Research Editor from Arianna Huffington’s office. Arianna is currently working on a book about…
Kate Mara playing reporter Zoe Barnes in Netflix original series “House of Cards” (Melinda Sue Gordon/Netflix) I have made well-known my dislike for the (once) critically-acclaimed Netflix show”House of Cards.” When I first published my take on the corrosive effects of how the show portrayed politics — and especially journalism and, double especially, female reporters…