Megyn Kelly on Donald Trump Feud: I “Will Not Apologize for Doing Good Journalism” – Hollywood Reporter – Hollywood Reporter

Megyn Kelly broke her silence on her feud with Donald Trump during her Fox News show Monday. The friction stems from Thursday’s Republican primary debate, where Trump took issue with Kelly’s question about his previous comments about women. On Friday, Trump told CNN that Kelly “bombed” and that she had “blood coming out of her wherever.”…

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Report: Upworthy’s Lefty Owners Scared Employees Out of Unionization

Upworthy bet millions of venture capital dollars that progressive values are the ultimate viral content. But after being forsaken by Facebook and facing layoffs, we’re told the site’s left-wing leadership has successfully fought off a staff unionization drive. Over the weekend, I received the following anonymous message, alleging that Upworthy recently laid off six staffers…

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Will Google’s Bid for More Ad-Buying Control Cause Marketers a Huge Mess? | Adweek

Google’s decision Thursday to shut down YouTube media buying on its programmatic network DoubleClick Ad Exchange (or AdX) signals the tech giant wants tighter control of its growing advertising ecosystem. But the attempt to create a so-called walled garden with video ads has some agency execs baffled. Under Google’s new rules, marketers won’t be able…

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In America, only the rich can afford to write about poverty | Barbara Ehrenreich | Comment is free | The Guardian

Back in the fat years – two or three decades ago, when the “mainstream” media were booming – I was able to earn a living as a freelance writer. My income was meager and I had to hustle to get it, turning out about four articles – essays, reported pieces, reviews – a month at…

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