Is This Nick Denton’s Exit Strategy From Gawker? – The Daily Beast

Today the controversy-beset website moved to new offices. But is its founder really in it for the long haul, as he insists? One night in mid-June, weeks before his privately-held company suffered a very public meltdown over the widely condemned outing of a heterosexually married Condé Nast executive, Gawker Media founder Nick Denton had dinner…

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So a hacker brought down your news site. Now what? New York magazine found out today » Nieman Journalism Lab

So let’s say you’re a New York–based publication which has just published the words and portraits of 35 women who have accused Bill Cosby of rape — on your cover no less. Then a hacker decides to launch an all-out distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, bringing your servers to their knees. The first reports…

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What the ‘Times’ Got Wrong About Nail Salons by Richard Bernstein | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

Carlo Allegri/Reuters A nail salon on New York’s Upper West Side, November 3, 2014 Rarely does a newspaper story get the kind of response that The New York Times front-page exposé of wage-theft at nail salons prompted this spring. Profiling at length the experiences of a woman named Jing Ren—a twenty-year-old recent immigrant who was…

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An Interview with Sarah Jeong, Author of ‘The Internet of Garbage’

Social Sharing Toolkit v2.2 In her new book, The Internet of Garbage, Sarah Jeong states that “the Internet is, and always has been, mostly garbage.” She talked with The Toast about topics discussed in her book, including online harassment, doxing, spam, free speech, and the challenges of moderating content platforms and social media networks. You can buy…

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Writing and What Comes With It

Should the published writing of professional writers be subject to any criticism? I believe yes. At least one professional writer disagrees. Mary Elizabeth Williams is a longtime writer for Salon. She writes about “culture,” in the most tepid sense of the word. As an essayist, her style is to follow around day-old conventional wisdom like…

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