Gawker Drama Gets Taiwanese Animation Treatment, Complete with Gun-Toting Babies | Mediaite

Gawker’s internal drama has gotten the Taiwanese animation treatment, with some not-so-subtle commentary about the whole mess. In case you haven’t heard, Gawker posted a very questionable piece about a Conde Nast executive being in contact with a gay porn star. It was pretty strongly condemned online as having zero news value, and the post…

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I’ve been viciously attacked for daring to start a women’s tech site | Media Network | The Guardian

In the past few months, there have been some promising developments in tech diversity. Eileen Burbidge and Martha Lane Fox were given prominent government roles, Jacqueline de Rojas was appointed president of techUK, Apple finally had female employees presenting at their conference and the E3 gaming convention featured lots of non-sexualised female protagonists. And yet…

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Gawker Outs One Cheater and the Internet Condemns Gawker—Hackers Expose 37 Million Cheaters and the Internet Condemns Cheaters – Slog – The Stranger

Late last week, Gawker posted an item about a “C-suite executive” at Condé Nast, a married father of three (a married-to-a-woman father of three [I’m old enough to remember when we didn’t have to clarify those things]), who made arrangements to spend a weekend with a gay male escort/porn star/conspiracy theorist. The porn star figured…

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