To All of Edit at Gawker Media

The Managing Partnership as a whole is responsible for the Company’s management and direction, but they do not and should not make editorial decisions. Let me be clear. This was a decision I made as Founder and Publisher — and guardian of the company mission — and the majority supported me in that decision. This…

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20 Home Pages, 500 Trackers Loaded: Media Succumbs to Monitoring Frenzy | Monday Note

by Frederic Filloux  News sites use trackers more indiscriminately than ever. A random sample of twenty digital properties yields stunning results. Last week, we looked at how long web sites take to load, today, we see how messy their user data collection is.  When landing on Politico’s home page, your browser loads about 100 pieces…

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Tommy Craggs and Max Read Are Resigning from Gawker

Tommy Craggs, the executive editor of Gawker Media, and Max Read, the editor-in-chief of, are resigning from the company. In letters sent today, Craggs and Read informed staff members that the managing partnership’s vote to remove a controversial post about the CFO of Condé Nast—a unprecedented act endorsed by zero editorial employees—represented an indefensible…

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‘Trainwreck’ and a Brief History of Journalists Who Sleep With Their Subjects in Film – Speakeasy – WSJ

article start “Trainwreck,” the new Amy Schumer comedy, has a strong female protagonist who does things her own way – one small step for feminism and one giant leap for Hollywood. But the movie also advances a misleading trope about working women that is starting to get a little tired: the female journalist who hooks…

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