MSNBC staff chanted ‘F- -k Brian Williams’ at party | Page Six

Brian Williams’ welcome to MSNBC might be frigid because staffers there haven’t forgotten a scathing report he arrogantly aired on his short-lived “Rock Center” about “corrosive” cable news blowhards at MSNBC, Fox News and CNN. The two-part September 2012 report was so unpopular at MSNBC that, at a network holiday party shortly after, some over-served…

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CNN’s Don Lemon Holds Up N-Word Sign On-Air, Asks “Does This Offend You?” – Hollywood Reporter – The Hollywood Reporter

Don Lemon can’t help but attract controversy. The CNN Tonight host waded into the debate about President Obama‘s recent use of the n-word on Marc Maron‘s WTF podcast by holding up a sign with the racial epithet written in large capital letters and then asking the audience whether the word offended them. Lemon also tried…

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Former Google exec launches Sourcepoint with $10 million Series A funding – Business Insider

SourcepointBen Barokas, Sourcepoint co-founder and CEO. Ad blocker use is on the rise. More and more ways of letting people block ads are being introduced to market. Apple, for instance, will allow ad blocking on iPhones, and there is a mobile phone service carrier plan to allow ad blocking across entire networks. Ad blocking poses an…

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Twitter Is Furious at Melissa Harris-Perry for Defending Rachel Dolezal | Mediaite

Over the weekend, MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry appeared to be giving Rachel Dolezal the benefit of the doubt when she asked her panel, “Is it possible that she might actually be black?” and brought up the “transracial” issue as a possible explanation. But on Tuesday, when Harris-Perry got a chance to interview the former NAACP chapter…

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Once the web’s fastest growing aggregator, Upworthy pivots | Capital New York

paging_filter This viral content site drew almost 50 million unique visitors last August. What happened next will surprise you. Upworthy, the website that made its name re-packaging heartfelt liberal content for maximum shareability on social media, is shifting its focus to the production of original content, laying off six staffers in the process. “Three years…

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