Verizon CFO Says Company Won’t Sell Huffington Post – WSJ

June 15, 2015 6:30 p.m. ET Verizon Communications Inc. has no desire to sell the Huffington Post or buy Dish Network Corp., Chief Financial Officer Fran Shammo said at a Wall Street Journal conference Monday. Verizon agreed last month to pay $4.4 billion for AOL Inc., AOL 0.08 % which owns several media properties including the…

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The Dish Drafts: Unpublished Missives From the Andrew Sullivan Hack

Ever since ur-blogger Andrew Sullivan retired from blogging in February, his fans and admirers (“SullyHeads,” as they’re not known) have wondered, “what’s Andrew Sullivan up to, right now?” and “what does Andrew Sullivan think about what is happening in the news lately?” Proving his doubters wrong, Sullivan has remained quiet since his last post in…

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Clinton boots critical reporter out of NH press pool events |

  A reporter from who has been critical of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was kicked off of his duty as print pool reporter for the campaign in New Hampshire Monday. Reporter David Martosko said early Monday that he was told by Clinton staffer Meredith Thatcher that he was not approved for today’s pooled events,…

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But First, A Word From 100 Podcasts’ Sponsors | FiveThirtyEight

This story was produced in collaboration with Marketplace. If you spent the beginning of February listening to the latest episode of each of the top 100 shows on the iTunes “top podcasts” chart, you’d have heard “Stone Cold” Steve Austin talk about the best way to deliver flowers. You’d have heard the Freakonomics crew spend…

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Facebook News Feed Algorithm to Factor In Time Spent on Stories | SocialTimes

The latest tweak to Facebook’s News Feed algorithm factors in the amount of time users spend viewing stories. Software engineers Ansha Yu and Sami Tas announced the change in a Newsroom post Friday, acknowledging that Facebook users don’t necessarily like, comment on or share every post that is important to them. Yu and Tas added that the…

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How big a deal will adblocking on iPhones and iPads be for publishers? » Nieman Journalism Lab

June 4, 2015, 2:25 p.m. You’ve probably heard by now that Twitter has killed off Politwoops, the Sunlight Foundation’s project to detect when American politicians delete tweets after posting — often a sign that they realize they’ve said something they shouldn’t. Twitter argues that Politwoops is in violation of its developer agreement. (Kudos to J.K….

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