Sarah Palin Goes On Fox To Yell At Fox For Molesting Duggar Girls On Fox | Wonkette

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comIs Sarah Palin on drugs? We don’t know, but maybe! We hear Alaska is a great place for scoring meth, to buy with your government hand-out checks from sweet drill-baby-drilled oil profits. And maybe those drugs have eated up the itsy bits of Palin’s brain? We’re just asking, with question marks,…

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Vincent Musetto, 74, Author of ‘Headless’ Headline of Ageless Fame, Is Dead –

Photo Vincent Musetto Credit New York Post Vincent Musetto, a retired editor at The New York Post who wrote the most anatomically evocative headline in the history of American journalism — HEADLESS BODY IN TOPLESS BAR — died on Tuesday in the Bronx. He was 74. A former colleague, Myron Rushetzky, confirmed the death, at…

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Benny Johnson got fired at BuzzFeed. You will believe what happened next. – The Washington Post

Benny Johnson has become admired and loathed for his addictive brand of political Web journalism. “A hate click is just as valuable as a love click,” he says. (Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post) Benny Johnson needed to escape the Internet. In less than two years, he had built himself up into a Washington media-insider celebrity: one…

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Capital Playbook: DNAinfo to start print edition; Brian Williams’ puppy | Capital New York

paging_filter THE OPT OUT FIGHT—Capital’s Jessica Bakeman: High Achievement New York, a pro-Common Core coalition that includes business groups, has launched a six-figure radio and digital advertising campaign encouraging parents to “opt in” their children for state exams. The campaign aims to combat the growing movement of children refusing state tests, which has been fueled…

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Eulogy for Politwoops – Sunlight Foundation Blog

In 2012, Twitter made the decision to allow Sunlight to curate the deleted tweets from lawmakers and those seeking elected office. Last night all that changed. When we launched Politwoops three years ago, our goal was to create accountability and a  public record for the messages elected officials and candidates for president, vice president, Congress…

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How NYT is using Reddit to gain insights into its audience | Media news

Credit: Reddit Attempting to measure engagement is “one of the great neurosis” of the modern media industry, according to The New York Times’ James G. Robinson. Discussions around metrics often focus too much on measurement and not enough around insights, Robinson, the outlet’s director of analytics innovation, told delegates at the World News Media Congress…

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Huffington Post in Limbo at Verizon –

Photo Arianna Huffington, editor of The Huffington Post, reportedly has said she is not sure her ambitious  plans for the site can be executed under Verizon. Credit Andrew Burton/Getty Images Over the last couple of years, an array of media companies, venture capitalists and wealthy individuals have quietly explored buying a stake in The Huffington…

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