Some Changes at The Nib

Some Changes at The Nib Since The Nib launched in September 2013 we’ve published over 1,500 comics. Except I’ve been saying that line for a while now so it’s probably much more at this point. 2,000? We publish a lot, and the core of that strategy has been a mix of exclusive work and reprints…

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Pew study: When it comes to political news, Facebook has become local TV for millennials » Nieman Journalism Lab

Need more proof of the role Facebook is playing in the distribution of news? Among Americans born between 1981 and 1996 — a.k.a millennials — 61 percent get political news from Facebook in a given week, versus 37 percent who get it from local TV. That’s according to a new Pew Research Center study released…

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Google could fix the business side of digital journalism by building a CMS – Quartz

Until now, mining good journalism from the web’s depths has been done from the top. Over the last 13 years, looking for “signals” that flag quality content has been at the core of Google News: With a search engine scanning and ranking 50,000 sources in 30 languages and 72 editions, its inventor, the famous computer…

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