Vocativ adds to beat coverage, audience development teams | Poynter.

When he joined Vocativ, Gittrich told Poynter he planned to grow the newsroom between 25 and 30 percent this year; he later announced that expansion would be focused around coverage of national security, technology, gender, culture, criminal justice and real-time news. Capital New York reported in February that Vocativ laid off about eight staffers in…

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“Should we get rid of all the Jews?”: Megyn Kelly accuses Bill O’Reilly of “catering to the jihadis” – Salon.com

On “The O’Reilly Factor” last night, Megyn Kelly shamed host Bill O’Reilly for daring to criticize Pam Geller’s absolutist version of free speech, saying that he was “catering to the jihadis.” The pair were discussing the shooting of two Islamic extremists in Garland, Texas, on Sunday when O’Reilly echoed Donald Trump and claimed that Geller…

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» ‘Claims’: You’re not buying it, CNN? JIMROMENESKO.COM

‘Claims’: You’re not buying it, CNN? The headline has been changed to “Pentagon: No Texas takeover plot.” New: Read comments from my Facebook friends and subscribers < ?php if( class_exists(‘Add_to_Any_Subscribe_Widget’) ) { Add_to_Any_Subscribe_Widget::display(); } ??> Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render Place this tag after the last plusone tag (function()…

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‘Can You Think About Rising?’ – POLITICO Magazine – POLITICO Magazine

Last May, the first women to edit the New York Times and Le Monde were very publicly forced out of their jobs within a few hours of each other. What followed was perhaps just as surprising as the events themselves: a viral national debate about a previously little-noted problem, the incredible paucity of women running…

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Baltimore: A tale of two riots — the reported.ly team — Medium

Feb. 3, 2013 (Patrick Smith/Getty) On Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013, the Baltimore Ravens won the NFL Super Bowl game against the San Francisco 49ers. Fans went wild and took to the streets of Baltimore in “celebrations” and “victory riots.” They were called “rowdy fans” who took “their celebrations too far” by local Baltimore CBS news….

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Baltimore ‘looting’ tweets show importance of quick and easy image checks — Medium

Unrest in Baltimore, like any other dramatic event these days, created a surge of activity on social media. In the age of the selfie and ubiquitous cameras, many people have become compulsive chroniclers of all their activities — sometimes unwisely so. Reactions ranged from shock and disgust to disbelief and amusement when a series of images started…

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