Pulitzer Winner Left Journalism for a PR Job So He Could Pay His Rent

One of today’s Pulitzer winners for local reporting isn’t actually a reporter anymore. The Daily Breeze’s Rob Kuznia won the prize alongside Rebecca Kimitch for a series on corruption in the Torrance, California school district. Now the former reporter, who had more than 15 years’ experience covering local affairs, is celebrating the career high in…

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The Pulitzer Prizes | Awards

Winners Letters, Drama, and Music FictionAll the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (Scribner)DramaBetween Riverside and Crazy by Stephen Adly GuirgisHistoryEncounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People by Elizabeth A. Fenn (Hill and Wang)Biography or AutobiographyThe Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in…

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BuzzFeed Says Posts Were Deleted Because of Advertising Pressure – NYTimes.com

An internal review by BuzzFeed last week found three instances when editors deleted posts after an advertiser or employees from the company’s business side complained about their content, according to a memo sent to staff members on Saturday by the news and entertainment website’s editor in chief. The three deleted posts — out of more…

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The Politico Expands to States With Easily Purchased Politicos

Washington-based website and newsletter The Politico, like the CBS procedural dramas CSI and NCIS before it, is hoping to recapture the magic with a series of region-specific spin-offs. First, already extant The Politico-owned news site Capital New York will “rebrand” itself as The Politico New York, much like when Macy’s bought every regional department store…

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The Eternal Return of BuzzFeed – The Atlantic

What the online juggernaut can learn from Time, USA Today,and MTV Adrienne LaFrance and Robinson Meyer April 15, 2015 Before Nyan Cat, before “Imma let you finish,” even before rickrolling, there was a small startup in New York dedicated to finding pre-viral content online. The first employees of BuzzFeed wrote about Borat, MySpace, and the “highly…

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The Piracy ‘Problem’ With Periscope Really Isn’t One | WIRED

Piracy is a serious issue. Live-streaming apps like Periscope and Meerkat have plenty of sticky societal implications. These are two indisputable facts! Let’s not make the mistake, though, of assuming that they overlap. This week, HBO confirmed that it sent takedown notices to Periscope, the Twitter-owned emporium of bored iPhone owners showing off their cats…

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Its journalism is behind a paywall, but The Times of London’s developers embrace open source » Nieman Journalism Lab

LONDON — For Callum Jones, a digital reporter at The Times of London, every morning begins with a 4:30 a.m. wakeup call. Jones is responsible for assembling and sending Red Box, a newsletter from The Times and Sunday Times that delivers a roundup of political news, commentary, and polling every morning. Red Box — which…

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