Facebook May Host News Sites’ Content – NYTimes.com

Nothing attracts news organizations like Facebook. And nothing makes them more nervous. With 1.4 billion users, the social media site has become a vital source of traffic for publishers looking to reach an increasingly fragmented audience glued to smartphones. In recent months, Facebook has been quietly holding talks with at least half a dozen media…

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What you don’t know about Internet algorithms is hurting you. (And you probably don’t know very much!) – The Washington Post

An algorithm that just went up for auction in New York. (Chris Maury, “Progression: Triptych, 2011-2013.” Available on Artsy.net.) Until about three weeks ago, Pinterest was — hands down, no contest — my absolute favorite social network. Yeah, I know it lacks the cachet of Twitter or Snapchat. I understand its associations with the bored…

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The live-streaming app where amateurs get paid to chat, eat, and sleep on camera | The Verge

Tayser Abuhamdeh doesn’t have what most people would call an exciting job. He works behind the counter at a deli in Brooklyn, a small shop that does a brisk business in snacks, coffee, and cigarettes. In June of last year, on a whim and mostly out of boredom, Abuhamdeh mounted his phone next to the…

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Who’s more ideological, Fox News viewers or NPR listeners? The answer may surprise you. – Vox

The Pew Research Center published a fascinating report on political polarization and the media a few months back. The report contains this chart, based on survey data of people who say they’ve read, watched, or listened to different media outlets. It shows how consistently liberal or conservative the average audience member of 32 different media…

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No accident that this is Headline of the Day

I’m trying to find out who gets credit for the headline. Update: It’s Graeme Bruce, “but I kneaded a little help from the newsroom,” he tweets. (h/t Grant Hamilton) * Bread truck rolls over, hundreds of loaves toast (brandonsun.com) * Earlier: Big rig carrying fruit crashes, creates jam (jimromenesko.com) < ?php if( class_exists(‘Add_to_Any_Subscribe_Widget’) ) {…

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