As “Meerkat Election” hype grows, the presidential primary winner is Twitter | digiphile

The New York Times “First Draft” and Politico Playbook picked up the “Meerkat Election” idea today, so get ready for the hype cycle to wash through the commentariat. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush “meerkatted” yesterday — which is to say, used an app integrated with Twitter on his smartphone to livestream an event online. If…

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Obama Just Officially Decided White House Emails Aren’t Subject to the Freedom of Information Act | Mother Jones

Chris Martino/Flickr Civil liberties advocates are adding another strike to the Obama administration’s record on transparency: on Monday, the White House announced that it is officially ending the Freedom of Information Act obligations of its Office of Administration. That office provides broad administrative support to the White House—including the archiving of emails—and had been subject…

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Millennials say keeping up with the news is important to them — but good luck getting them to pay for it » Nieman Journalism Lab

Most millennials don’t seek out news on social media, but the vast majority of them get news from social networks once they see it there, according to a report released today by the Media Insight Project, a collaboration between the American Press Institute and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Only 47 percent…

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The Casualties of The Guardian’s Whisper Story — NYMag

Whisper shut down its news division after <em>The</em> <em>Guardian’s</em> misreported story, leaving four people unemployed. Photo: Shutterstock Back in October, The Guardian published a juicy multipart feature on Whisper, an anonymous secret-sharing app that the paper said was harvesting private data without users’ consent. The series of stories alleged that Whisper tracked “anonymous” users and that it…

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A New Look for PressForward 3.5 | PressForward

We are excited to announce the release of PressForward 3.5, the latest version of our free WordPress plugin for collecting, discussing, and sharing online scholarship. This latest release includes significant updates and changes to the user interface, new features and enhancements, and a few bug fixes–all designed to make best practices for sharing online content easier…

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The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post sign up to Blendle – Business Insider

BlendleThe Blendle iPad app. Blendle, an exciting Dutch startup that has attracted 200,000 users in the region to a platform that lets readers make micropayments for individual newspaper and magazine articles rather than having to sign up to monthly digital subscriptions, has just got even more exciting. The New York Times (which is also an…

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» Columbia Graduate School of Journalism to reduce enrollment, cut about six positions JIMROMENESKO.COM

Columbia Graduate School of Journalism to reduce enrollment, cut about six positions Steve Coll, dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, tells colleagues: “We believe it’s best for the school to return to a smaller student body size” after years of expansion, and “with regret, I’ve reached the conclusion that we must eliminate…

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How did KPCC get voters to care? They picked one and made him care. | Poynter.

by Melody Kramer Published Mar. 10, 2015 8:00 am Updated Mar. 10, 2015 1:01 pm How do you convince people to care about a local, municipal primary election in a city with historically-low voter turnout? That’s the question KPCC’s managing editor Kristen Muller posed to science reporter Sanden Totten as they were planning KPCC’s coverage of the…

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