Twitch’s Roasting of Mark Zuckerberg Is The Most 2018 Thing | Kotaku UK

Over ten thousand people watched the second day of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifying in front of Congress today on The Washington Post’s Twitch channel. Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, where it was discovered that the political data firm hired by President Trump gained access to private information of 50 million Facebook users, Mark Zuckerberg testified…

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Jim Carrey Captures Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Inner Demon in Portrait and the ‘MAGA’ Crowd Isn’t Happy

Photo: Kevin Winter (Getty Images) Funnyman Jim Carrey is actually a really deep dude who meditates and paints. On Saturday, Carrey released a portrait of a woman who favors White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, aka Suckabee. Somehow, Carrey was able to capture Suckabee’s true inner-demon spirit. It’s almost impossible to truly capture the…

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Ore. Man Who Followed Black Muslim Couple for 20 Blocks and Hurled Slurs Bursts Into Tears After Being Charged With Hate Crime

KGW screenshot A Portland, Ore., man is giving me a particular type of joy after breaking down crying and expressing his heartfelt “regret” after being charged with a hate crime earlier this week for allegedly hurling slurs and intimidating a black Muslim couple. I confess, my favorite type of bigot is the crying bigot. KGW…

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Men Legally Allowed to Finish Sex Even If Woman Revokes Consent, NC Law States – Broadly

North Carolina is the one state where the law explicitly says you cannot revoke consent once it’s given. A bill that would remove this “unacceptable loophole” has little traction. Photo by Simone Becchetti via Stocksy One May evening in 1977, Beverly Hester was sexually assaulted. According to the summary included in the North Carolina Supreme…

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Tommy Wiseau’s Amazing Joker Audition Proves He’s the Only One for the Role – VICE

Oh hai, Batman. Last month, Variety reported that Hangover director Todd Phillips was in talks with Joaquin Phoenix to star in the stand-alone Joker origin film—a compelling choice to play the Batman villain who could probably give the character a depth we haven’t seen since Heath Ledger. But following Variety‘s announcement, another actor unexpectedly threw…

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Baltimore Cops Carried Toy Guns to Plant on People They Shot, Trial Reveals – VICE

One officer involved in the city’s massive corruption scandal said officers kept the replicas “in case we accidentally hit somebody or got into a shootout, so we could plant them.” Last week, the beginning of an explosive corruption trial involving eight members of Baltimore’s elite Gun Trace Task Force revealed that a handful of Baltimore…

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