Killings by US police logged at twice the previous rate under new federal program | US news | The Guardian

A new US government program to count killings by police, which draws on data collected by the Guardian, has recorded a sharply higher number of deaths than previous official efforts. Homicides by police were logged by the Department of Justice’s new system at more than twice the rate previously reported by the FBI, according to…

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The Idea That Women Use Guns For Self-Defense Against Men Is A Big Lie | The Huffington Post

If you listen to the National Rifle Association, every woman in America should carry a gun so she can protect herself from dangerous strangers, domestic abusers and potential rapists. The message is that firearms make women safer, despite clear research showing that they actually have the exact opposite effect. A new study from the Violence…

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Police will be required to report officer-involved deaths under new US system | US news | The Guardian

Police departments will be required to give the US justice department full details of deadly incidents involving their officers each quarter, under a new government system for counting killings by police that was influenced by the Guardian. Announcing a new program for documenting all “arrest-related deaths”, federal officials said they would actively work to confirm…

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