Megyn Kelly Is a Horrible Person

What if, a recent piece of speculative fiction in Vanity Fair wonders aloud, Megyn Kelly isn’t a poisonous bigot and shameless cable news demagogue, but a complex, flawed icon of modern feminism? Like most science fiction, this is a pack of lies meant for babies. Megyn Kelly is just as racist—or cynically willing to play…

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Researchers: Most effective way to fight racism requires white people calling out white racists

After Americans elected Donald Trump — whose racist campaign rhetoric targeting Muslims, Mexicans, and black Americans emboldened racial violence and white outrage — researchers report that white people need to join the fight for racial justice for it to be the most effective, according to Quartz. Specifically, political scientist Cullen Hendrix, a professor at the University of Denver argues that…

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Trump refuses to face reality about Russia – The Washington Post

ALTHOUGH PRESIDENT Obama’s sanctions against Russia for interfering with the U.S. presidential election came late, his action on Thursday reflected a bipartisan consensus that penalties must be imposed for Moscow’s audacious hacking and meddling. But one prominent voice in the United States reacted differently. President-elect Donald Trump said “it’s time for our country to move…

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