The Three Kinds of Assholes You Meet in Centrist Hell

This week, like every week before it, quickly set a new high bar for asinine political takes. As always, the trash piled up from a number of sources, for a few different reasons — Nike’s ad campaign with Colin Kaepernick, confirmation hearings for Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the New Yorker dropping Steve Bannon from its annual pretension festival. The rhetoric was hardly…

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Publishing that anonymous New York Times article wasn’t ‘gutless.’ But writing it probably was. – The Washington Post

Was the New York Times’s decision to publish a mystery op-ed piece describing an organized resistance inside the Trump administration “gutless,” as the president has angrily deemed it? Or was it a crucial public service, as the Times’s top opinion editors see it? I’d call it neither. What it was, however, was a quagmire of weirdness: fraught…

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Researchers warn a common air pollutant is a driver of dementia, even at levels below current EPA standards – The Washington Post

Low air quality, even at pollution levels well below current Environmental Protection Agency thresholds, is associated with increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in later life, according to a new working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Researchers Kelly C. Bishop, Nicolai V. Kuminoff and Jonathan D. Ketcham of Arizona State University cross-referenced…

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Opinion | The Religion of Whiteness Becomes a Suicide Cult – The New York Times

CreditCreditMatt Chase “White men,” an obscure Australian academic named Charles Henry Pearson predicted in his 1893 book “National Life and Character: A Forecast,” would be “elbowed and hustled, and perhaps even thrust aside” by people they had long regarded as their inferiors — “black and yellow races.” China, in particular, would be a major threat….

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Trump Confirms White House Counsel Don McGahn Is Leaving

Photo: Chip Somodevilla (Getty) President Donald Trump on Wednesday confirmed reports that White House Counsel Don McGahn plans to leave the administration this coming fall. Trump’s personnel update came just hours after Axios first reported that McGahn was eyeing the White House exits following the midterm elections and Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation….

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