Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley rejects refugees, playing into ISIS’s hands.

  “I will oppose any attempt to relocate Syrian refugees to Alabama,” Gov. Robert Bentley said in a statement.Photo by Sutherland Boswell Alabama Republican Gov. Robert Bentley announced late Sunday that his state would refuse to allow any Syrian refugees to be relocated there. “After full consideration of this weekend’s attacks of terror on innocent…

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U.S. governors don’t have power to refuse refugees access to their states

As authorities made sense of the aftermath from Friday’s Paris attacks and the death toll count began to stabilize, reports emerged over the weekend that a gunman involved with the coordinated bombings and shootings may have entered Europe, embedded in the scores of refugees fleeing Syria. By Monday afternoon, the number of American state governors,…

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Under attack at the Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton plays EVERY POSSIBLE CARD – The Washington Post

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders during the second official Democratic presidential debate, in Des Moines. (REUTERS/Jim Young) Sometimes I feel as though the Democratic Party doesn’t WANT us to watch its debates. This second one took place on a Saturday night, and spending your Saturday night watching the Democratic debate is one…

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Hillary Clinton is on wrong side of everything: Stop telling me I have to vote for her because of the Supreme Court –

First and foremost, the latest unscientific poll out of Western Illinois University has Bernie Sanders winning the presidency. Therefore, if polls are gospel, we’ll have a Democrat in the White House who plans on fixing the structural issues plaguing Wall Street and the U.S. economy. With Sanders, we’ll have an honest attempt at breaking up…

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