We Can Stop Pretending Any of the 2016 Republicans Believe in Science | The New Republic

Rand Paul was having a decent night in the fourth Republican debate Tuesday, until he fielded a question about climate change. With his answer, he disappointed those who thought he might deliver reality-based comments. Paul, like the rest of the GOP candidates, wants to repeal President Barack Obama’s legacy-making Clean Power Plan reining in carbon…

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Bully for Ben Carson

If you pulled over one hundred people on the street, and asked them to state a religious belief they hold, I’m not sure you would get any answer more plausible than “the pyramids were built for the storage of grain.”  Would you now? Yet we mock Ben Carson for this, but we do not make…

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Ben Carson suggests creating ‘transgender bathrooms’ | Fusion

Ben Carson suggested creating transgender bathrooms in an interview Thursday with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos. Questioned about Houston voters’ rejection of a law banning LGBT discrimination this week, Carson said: “How about we have a transgender bathroom?” “It is not fair for them to make everybody else uncomfortable,” Carson said of transgender people. “It’s one of…

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