No, Seriously, Dissolve The United States

Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of the Navy, a Republican Senator, and Hillary Clinton walk into a bar. Bartender looks them over and says, “Christ, this is 60 percent of the Democratic presidential campaign field? You motherfuckers make Richard Nixon look like Leon Trotsky.” Then Jim Webb knifes him, because Jim Webb is a fucking maniac. Ha…

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Donald Trump Embraces His 4Chan Fans – Vocativ

Donald Trump’s 4chan fans were driven into a frenzy on Tuesday when Trump retweeted one of the site’s most popular memes: An image of an anthropomorphic frog decked out as the presidential contender. He posted the pic alongside “You Can’t Stump The Trump,” a video compilation of clips from the last Republican primary debate that highlighted some of his more outrageous moments from the evening. 4chan…

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The Return of the Middle American Radical

 1976, Don­ald War­ren—a so­ci­olo­gist from Oak­land Uni­versity in Michigan who would die two dec­ades later without ever at­tain­ing the rank of full pro­fess­or—pub­lished a book called The Rad­ic­al Cen­ter: Middle Amer­ic­ans and the Polit­ics of Ali­en­a­tion. Few people have read or heard of it—I learned of it about 30 years ago from the late, very ec­cent­ric pa­leo­con­ser­vat­ive…

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Congress Axes a Lifeline for Small Colleges – Bloomberg Business

The demise of a long-standing college loan program will hit the bottom line at small colleges and standalone law schools especially hard, a new report shows. The Perkins Loan program, the U.S. government’s oldest student aid program, expired two weeks ago, leaving small schools that depend on tuition without a lifeline. Expect “greater pressure on university financial aid…

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