Government Shutdown Would Shut Down Food Stamps

WASHINGTON —  One of the U.S.  government’s largest safety net programs won’t be there to catch people if the federal government shuts down next month. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides monthly food benefits to 45 million Americans, will go dark if Congress fails to pass a law funding government operations after Oct. 1, according…

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Stephen Colbert dismantles Ted Cruz’s anti-gay bigotry & tax cut fanaticism –

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz paid a visit to Stephen Colbert’s two-week old “Late Show” set last night and sat for a grilling over the legacy of conservative icon Ronald Reagan tougher than any question the Texas senator fielded at last week’s debate at Reagan’s presidential library. “Let me ask about Reagan for a second,”…

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Inside Chris Christie’s militia, flab and cronyism trigger mutiny in the ranks – The Washington Post

TRENTON, N.J. — Besides serving as governor and running for president, Chris Christie has another job. As commander in chief of the New Jersey National Guard, he is in charge of 8,400 citizen soldiers, a militia that has become increasingly dysfunctional under his watch. After he took office in 2010, Christie (R) reappointed a two-star…

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Carly Fiorina’s HP Record in One Chart – Bloomberg View

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina wasn’t the greatest chief executive officer in corporate history. That much we can all agree on. Assessments of her 5 1/2 years in charge of tech giant Hewlett-Packard are everywhere these days, most of them negative. Fiorina herself offered a less-than-convincing defense in Wednesday night’s debate — yes, the company’s…

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Chris Christie: ‘I just think the Pope is wrong’ –

Story highlights Chris Christie says he disagrees with Pope Francis over U.S.-Cuba relations He says Pope Francis is infallible ‘on religious matters, not on political ones’ “I just think the Pope is wrong,” the New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate said Sunday in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”…

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