‘A sign of death,’ not division: The bloody history behind lowering flags to half-staff – The Washington Post

Once again, a flag has become a symbol of division. Less than a month after a massacre in Charleston by a white supremacist spurred nationwide debate over the Confederate flag, another mass shooting has fueled spurious flag rumors and spawned criticism of President Obama. On Tuesday, the president ordered all American flags on federal grounds to…

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Donald Trump just told the world Lindsey Graham’s personal phone number

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday gave out fellow candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham‘s (R-S.C.) personal cellphone number in retribution for the senator calling him a “jackass.”During a campaign event at the University of Pennsylvania, Trump, the blustering businessman who is leading in GOP primary polls, read out a number that begin with the D.C. area…

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The Republican Fetish With Water Bottles – The New York Times

Photo Credit Eleanor Taylor The National Park Service has a cautious, sensible policy that allows parks to ban the sale of plastic water bottles. Those that do so are required to provide easily accessible filling stations at which visitors can replenish their own containers — or fill reusable bottles sold at park concessions — with…

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New Orleans Crotch Cricket Rate Off The Charts, So Let’s Not Teach Sex Ed | Wonkette

How’s this for a surprise? Louisiana, where abstinence-only sex ed is mandatory and schools are actually forbidden by law from teaching about contraception and STDs, has the cities with the highest and second-highest STD infection rates in this great nation of ours. Cosmopolitan New Orleans is actually #2 in that competition, with the top prize…

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Haha What? | MattBruenig | Politics

A liberal activist blogger conference apparently interrupted Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. I wasn’t there and didn’t really follow the rabid tweeting, but got the gist that it was because these candidates ignore Black issues. I went looking for more comprehensive subsequent coverage and found some hilarious stuff, specifically around Bernie Sanders. Let us review….

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