Donald Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him at Presidential Announcement – Hollywood Reporter – The Hollywood Reporter

Donald Trump‘s big presidential announcement Tuesday was made a little bigger with help from paid actors — at $50 a pop. New York-based Extra Mile Casting sent an email last Friday to its client list of background actors, seeking extras to beef up attendance at Trump’s event. “We are looking to cast people for the…

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Why is it always a white guy: The roots of modern, violent rage –

Joe Stack had simply had enough. Every time this fifty-three-year-old independent engineer and software consultant from Austin, Texas, had set aside any money at all for retirement, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) seemed to change the tax laws or whittled away at his earnings with new restrictions. A change in the income-tax regulations in 1986…

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Nine Are Killed in Charleston Church Shooting; Gunman Is Sought – The New York Times

Photo Charleston police released a photograph taken from surveillance footage of the man who is believed to be the gunman. Credit Charleston Police Department, via Reuters CHARLESTON, S.C. — An intense manhunt was underway on Thursday for a white gunman who opened fire on Wednesday night at a historic black church in this city’s downtown,…

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Dear Sirs, I Am the Son of US President George H.W. Bush and I Have a Business Proposition for You | Mother Jones

Bush has long tried to distance himself from the deal. He was not a defendant in the Justice Department lawsuit, and no criminal charges were ever brought against him or MWI. He has repeatedly said that he didn’t directly profit from the venture or know about any alleged bribery or political influence peddling. But even…

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Clinton boots critical reporter out of NH press pool events |

  A reporter from who has been critical of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was kicked off of his duty as print pool reporter for the campaign in New Hampshire Monday. Reporter David Martosko said early Monday that he was told by Clinton staffer Meredith Thatcher that he was not approved for today’s pooled events,…

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Is the World Ready for the Rise of the Yellen Dollar? – Bloomberg Business

“We believe in a strong dollar policy.” It’s a phrase that’s been stated seemingly since the beginning of time. It was famously in vogue during the 1990s when many, including U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, would recite the hope and fond wishes of this world-be-damned policy. Secretary John Snow also believed in a strong dollar even as it descended…

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Sarah Palin Goes On Fox To Yell At Fox For Molesting Duggar Girls On Fox | Wonkette

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comIs Sarah Palin on drugs? We don’t know, but maybe! We hear Alaska is a great place for scoring meth, to buy with your government hand-out checks from sweet drill-baby-drilled oil profits. And maybe those drugs have eated up the itsy bits of Palin’s brain? We’re just asking, with question marks,…

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