Austin greets first majority-female city council session with special training on dealing with women – The Washington Post

Former U.S. secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is apparently encouraging even more women to run for office. You’ve been warned. (Mike Blake/Reuters) Women: They ask a lot of questions, they don’t listen to financial arguments and thanks to Hillary Rodham Clinton, legislatures around the country are probably going to be seeing a…

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Fox News: We don’t call the poor “leeches.” Jon Stewart: Let me Google that for you! – Vox

After President Obama made some of the most interesting comments of his career at a Georgetown University panel on poverty Tuesday, I worried that the only thing liberals would take from the event was that Obama accused Fox News of calling poor Americans “sponges” and “leeches.” But now I have another theory. Is it possible that…

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Washington Post mobile site targeted by Syrian Electronic Army | Poynter.

Visitors to The Washington Post’s mobile site Thursday afternoon were being greeted by several messages purporting to come from the Syrian Electronic Army, a pro-Bashar al Assad hacking collective that has raided several news organizations in recent months. Upon visiting the Washington Post’s website, readers were bombarded with a series of messages, including: “You’ve been…

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In Landslide Vote, House Overwhelmingly Passes USA Freedom Act without Amendments | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Is this the year Congress passes a bill to limit NSA spying? The House of Representatives certainly hopes so. But just how strong that reform will be remains to be seen. Minutes ago, the House of Representatives passed the USA Freedom Act overwhelmingly with 338 yes votes and 88 no votes. EFF is neutral on…

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Wow, Jeb Bush Is Awful –

Let’s discuss Jeb Bush’s terrible week. I’m really troubled by his awful performances, and I’m generally a person who takes bad news about politicians pretty well. For instance, a friend just sent me a story about the Texas agriculture commissioner’s vow to bring deep-fried foods back to school cafeterias. (“It’s not about French fries; it’s…

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College Student to Jeb Bush: ‘Your Brother Created ISIS’ – First Draft. Political News, Now. –

date published Jeb Bush at a town-hall-style meeting in Reno, Nev., on Wednesday.Credit James Glover/Reuters RENO, Nev. — “Your brother created ISIS,” the young woman told Jeb Bush. And with that, Ivy Ziedrich, a 19-year-old college student, created the kind of confrontational moment here on Wednesday morning that presidential candidates dread. Mr. Bush, the former…

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Abstinence-only curriculum is not sex education, judge rules – SFGate

hearst/article/types/story_body_r2.tpl California’s sex-education law prohibits school districts from indoctrinating students on the need to remain celibate before marriage or teaching them that abstinence is the only safe way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, a judge has ruled.The decision by Fresno County Superior Court Judge Donald Black applies only to the 40,000-student Clovis Unified…

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