‘Historic’ Ruling States That Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Isn’t Sex Ed | ThinkProgress

by Tara Culp-Ressler Posted on May 13, 2015 at 9:55 am “‘Historic’ Ruling States That Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Isn’t Sex Ed” CREDIT: Shutterstock In a decision that’s being hailed as “historic,” a judge in California has ruled that health classes focusing exclusively on telling students to remain abstinent until marriage fall short of the state’s…

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One question Seymour Hersh never answers in his alt-history of the killing of Osama bin Laden – Quartz

As a rule, conspiracy theories are more elaborate than the truth, requiring subscribers to suspend their judgment. Someone called every Jewish person in the World Trade Center, and told them to stay home on the morning of 9/11, when the planes brought down the twin towers. The United Nations, along with the vast majority of the…

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Almost everything we think we know about Osama bin Laden’s death is a lie, reports Sy Hersh – Quartz

Osama bin Laden’s death at the hands of US Navy SEALs was nothing at all like the official accounts given by the United States government and military, according to a controversial article in the London Review of Books by veteran investigative journalist Seymour M. Hersh: Rather than hiding in Pakistan, bin Laden was a prisoner…

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The New York Times does its government’s bidding: Here’s what you’re not being told about U.S. troops in Ukraine – Salon.com

As of mid-April, when a Pentagon flack announced it in Kiev, and as barely reported in American media, U.S. troops are now operating openly in Ukraine. Now there is a lead I have long dreaded writing but suspected from the first that one day I would. Do not take a moment to think about this….

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‘Hecklers’ Veto’ Fails To Block Transgender Protections In Country’s 10th Largest School District | ThinkProgress

by Zack Ford Posted on May 8, 2015 at 10:27 am “‘Hecklers’ Veto’ Fails To Block Transgender Protections In Country’s 10th Largest School District” CREDIT: Twitter/InsideNOVA/Jill Palermo Thursday night, the Fairfax County School Board, which oversees Virginia’s largest school system — and the tenth largest in the country — voted 10-1 with one abstention to…

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US appeals courts rules NSA bulk collection of phone data is unlawful | Circa News

The National Security Agency (NSA) faces a litany of lawsuits over its surveillance programs. A federal appeals court ruled May 7 that the NSA’s bulk surveillance of telephone records is unlawful. It found the NSA’s programs were not authorized by Congress in Section 215 of the Patriot Act. The ruling determined the American Civil Liberties…

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“He wants to take Kansas back into the Dark Ages”: Waitress explains why she told off Sam Brownback – Salon.com

Located in a towering late Gothic revival building – apocryphally described by locals as the first million-dollar high school west of the Mississippi River — Topeka High School, situated just four blocks from the Statehouse, is the pride of Kansas’ capital city. The hallowed halls of the 84-year-old building have served as the academic home of…

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“Should we get rid of all the Jews?”: Megyn Kelly accuses Bill O’Reilly of “catering to the jihadis” – Salon.com

On “The O’Reilly Factor” last night, Megyn Kelly shamed host Bill O’Reilly for daring to criticize Pam Geller’s absolutist version of free speech, saying that he was “catering to the jihadis.” The pair were discussing the shooting of two Islamic extremists in Garland, Texas, on Sunday when O’Reilly echoed Donald Trump and claimed that Geller…

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