Stephen Hawking had the perfect response to a 1D fan’s Zayn Malik question

One month after Zayn Malik quit One Direction, we are still a world in mourning. At times like this, we turn to trusted authority figures—like renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. During an event at the Sydney Opera House this weekend, an audience member asked Hawking about the “cosmological effect” of Malik leaving 1D and breaking…

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The White House Correspondents Dinner Will Not Be Cheapened (More) 

Have you heard the latest absolutely scandalous DC media gossip? It seems that some less than upstanding publicity hounds attempted to sully the august White House Correspondents Dinner event with corporate whoredom. Can you imagine? The century-old White House Correspondents Association does not produce the annual White House Correspondents Dinner as some venue for undercover…

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Senate Confirms Loretta Lynch as Attorney General After Long Delay –

Photo Loretta E. Lynch testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on her nomination as attorney general in January. Credit Gabriella Demczuk for The New York Times WASHINGTON — After one of the nation’s most protracted cabinet-level confirmation delays, the Senate Thursday approved Loretta E. Lynch to be attorney general. She is the first African-American…

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When Politicians Fail to Stand Up for the “T” in LGBT Rights | Bitch Media

Kamala Harris is the most recent politician to support gay and lesbian rights—but not transgender issues. Last month, California Attorney General Kamala Harris vaulted to into the national spotlight with her opposition to a proposed “Kill the Gays” initiative introduced in the state. In high-profile support of California’s many gay and lesbian residents, Harris petitioned the state’s…

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Freddie Gray dies a week after being injured during arrest – Baltimore Sun

Freddie Gray, a Baltimore man injured during an arrest by Baltimore police last week, died Sunday at Shock Trauma, prompting protests by city residents and out-of-town activists and promises from city officials for a thorough investigation. Gray, 25, died a week after he suffered a broken vertabra after being arrested near Gilmor Homes in Sandtown-Winchester….

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Terrified Reid Refuses to Finger Mob Assailants — NYMag

More proof that conservatives have uncovered the true story behind his “exercise accident.” Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) maintains implausible story. Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images In January, Harry Reid, sporting a bandaged eye, told reporters he had suffered an exercise mishap in his home. The cover story was obvious bunk. Conservative blogger John Hinderaker,…

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