White Christians Are No Longer The Majority In 19 States | ThinkProgress

A new study reports that white Christians, long understood to be the primary shapers of American politics and culture, are rapidly losing their majority status across the country — even in traditionally conservative states. Earlier this week, Jonathan Merritt of the Religion News Service dug into data from the American Values Atlas, a website unveiled late…

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“Where there are more guns, more women die”: A Harvard public health expert breaks down the data on firearms and women’s safety – Salon.com

The New York Times reported last week that 10 states are currently considering measures to allow people to carry firearms on college campuses. In Nevada, the Republican assemblywoman who sponsored the bill has argued that arming students amounts to a kind of rape prevention. “If these young, hot little girls on campus have a firearm, I…

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Voters Unlikely to Care Much About the Hillary Clinton Email Furor – NYTimes.com

The report Monday that Hillary Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state raises a number of important questions about government transparency and access to public records. Unsurprisingly, however, the conversation quickly veered from matters of policy into ominous speculation about the political consequences for Mrs. Clinton, the…

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Proof he’s the Science Guy: Bill Nye is changing his mind about GMOs – The Washington Post

  TV’s “Science Guy” Bill Nye speaks during a debate on evolution with Creation Museum head Ken Ham. (AP/Dylan Lovan) He’s not making his popular children’s science show anymore, but Bill Nye the Science Guy is still making a public impact by going after pseudoscience and science denial. He’s railed against the idea of teaching creationism…

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Ana Marie Cox: ‘I Believed I Was A Bad Person’ | The Daily Caller

Guardian‘s Ana Marie Cox continued her rebirth this morning with an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” She’s been receiving a heap of attention from a recent Daily Beast column in which she comes out as a Christian. A number of Washingtonians and MSNBC “Morning Joe” hosts are noticing a major change in her as of late. As some may recall, in 2011…

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Ferguson Inc. – Sarah Kendzior – POLITICO Magazine

Wednesday’s news from the Justice Department that the Ferguson police are racially biased would not surprise any of the protestors who have kept the faith in this struggling suburb. /.shifty-wrapper It is their daily lives that were coldly recounted in a Justice Department report, six months in the making, that studied 35,000 pages of police…

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Darren Wilson will not face federal charges in Michael Brown shooting | US news | The Guardian

Wilson’s supporters accused Eric Holder of burying news on the same day his officials accused Ferguson police of a pattern of racial bias. Photograph: Handout/Getty Images Darren Wilson, the white police officer whose fatal shooting of an unarmed black 18-year-old in Ferguson, Missouri, led to months of unrest and revived a debate on race and…

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Petraeus Reaches Plea Deal Over Giving Classified Data to Lover – NYTimes.com

Photo David H. Petraeus, left, in Denver in September. A plea deal would spare Mr. Petraeus a high-profile trial where embarrassing details about his affair would have been presented to the jury and made public. Credit Aaron Ontiveroz/The Denver Post, via Associated Press WASHINGTON — David H. Petraeus, the best-known military commander of his generation, has…

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