Obama’s State of the Union is Aimed Squarely at Hillary Clinton – The Atlantic

The president’s proposals are designed to force his presumptive successor to campaign and govern on his terms. Jim Young/Reuters There’s a subtext to President Obama’s slew of domestic policy proposals since the November elections: President Obama does not trust Hillary Clinton very much. None of the president’s domestic-policy brainwaves has much chance of becoming law…

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“People Think They’re Helping The Defense, But They’re Not”: Why Nobody In The Silk Road Trial Likes Jury Nullification

Illustration by Susie Cagle.Illustrations by Susie CagleIf you can brave the cold to walk over to the Southern District of New York courthouse in downtown Manhattan, where U.S. v. Ulbricht, the trial of the man accused of being the operator of a online drugs marketplace, is currently in session, the first thing you’ll see are…

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Is ‘SimCity’ Homelessness a Bug or a Feature? | Motherboard

​SimCity players have discussed a variety of creative strategies for their virtual homelessness problem. They’ve suggested waiting for natural disasters like tornadoes to blow the vagrants away, bulldozing parks where they congregate, or creating such a woefully insufficient city infrastructure that the homeless would leave on their own. You can read all of these proposed…

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#129 – Cartoonists react to Paris attack – It’s All Journalism

[if lt IE 9]>< ![endif] http://media.blubrry.com/itsalljournalism/content.blubrry.com/itsalljournalism/IAJ-2015-01-15-150.mp3“It is every cartoonist’s worse nightmare and it’s absolutely chilling. Sadness, shock and horror.” That’s how political cartoonist Jen Sorensen described her reaction on hearing of the Jan. 7, 2015, attack on the Paris headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo magazine by two Islamist gunman. The shootings killed 12, including cartoonists…

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Gen. Martin Dempsey Calls For Guantanamo Closure, Calling Facility A ‘Psychological Scar’

Entry Text On the 13th anniversary of the United States’ military prison on the island of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the facility creates “a psychological scar” on the nation and must be closed.”I’ve been in the group that believes it’s in our national interest to…

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Who Pays? 5th Edition | The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP)

Who Pays? 5th Edition Read the Report in PDF Contents: Executive Summary Introduction The 10 Most Regressive State & Local Tax Systems The Least Regressive State & Local Tax Systems The Kind of Tax Matters Income Taxes Sales & Excise Taxes Property Taxes Low Taxes or Just Regressive Taxes? The Economic Case for Tax Fairness…

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