Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter – The Frederick News-Post : Politics And Government

Knowing Councilman Kirby Delauter as we do, we weren’t surprised that he threatened The Frederick News-Post with a lawsuit because we had, he says — and we’re not making this up — been putting Kirby Delauter’s name in the paper without Kirby Delauter’s authorization. Attorneys would be called, Kirby Delauter said. In fact, we spent…

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This post shamelessly uses Frederick County (Md.) Council Member Kirby Delauter’s name without authorization – The Washington Post

Kirby Delauter, a Frederick County (Maryland) Council Member threatens a local journalist (Bethany Rodgers) for … using his name without permission in a newspaper article. No, really: Uh, Council Member: In our country, newspapers are actually allowed to write about elected officials (and others) without their permission. It’s an avantgarde experiment, to be sure, but…

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Boston Cop Calls Uber Driver ‘N-Word,’ Beats Him, Steals His Car. Because ‘Boston’

Image via WBZ-TV video Early Sunday morning, a Boston police officer used an everyday occurrence, an Uber ride home in the wee hours, to help his department advance its community relations with a groundbreaking new strategy: meet with members of racial minorities, then insult and beat them. Allegedly. According to a police report obtained by DigBoston of events that…

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Richard Bartle: we invented multiplayer games as a political gesture | Technology | The Guardian

In 1978, in a computer lab at Essex University, two brilliant young students invented the future of video games. Roy Trubshaw and Richard Bartle were the creators of the Multi-User Dungeon – or simply MUD – a text-based adventure that ran on a giant DEC PDP-10 mainframe. They programmed the game in their spare time,…

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White privilege: An insidious virus that’s eating America from within –

In one of the most famous passages of the New Testament, the apostle Paul writes to the Christians of Corinth, employing a complicated series of metaphors on the theme of transformation: from childhood to adulthood, from ignorance to knowledge, from sinfulness to a state of grace. “When I was a child, I spake as a…

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