Wells Fargo Employees Altered Information on Business Customers’ Documents – WSJ

Some employees in a Wells Fargo WFC +0.15% & Co. unit that handles business banking improperly altered information on documents related to corporate customers, according to people familiar with the matter. The behavior again raises questions about Wells Fargo’s risk-management practices and controls. The bank has been sanctioned in recent months by federal regulators for problems in these areas…

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Democrats Take Aim at the Gig Economy – Bloomberg

Leading Democrats are proposing a labor law overhaul that could extend collective bargaining rights to huge swaths of the gig economy, the latest sign of gathering blowback for companies committed to maximizing profits by denying workers rights and benefits often associated with regular employment. On Wednesday, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with…

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The Age of Reasonabilism

There’s an episode in Season Four of the show Parks and Recreation called “The End of the World,” in which we meet a cult known as “The Reasonabilists.” Members of this cult believe that an alien god named “Zorp” will destroy the world. Every few years, the Reasonabilists predict that Zorp is about to come…

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How Free Speech Warriors Mainstreamed White Supremacists | GQ

]Last month, suit-and-tie white supremacist Jared Taylor, founder of the race-realism rag American Renaissance, was scheduled to appear at the University of Alabama. For the talk—”Diversity: Is It Good for America?”—his sponsors, Students for America First, promoted it with a tweet including the hashtag “Defendthe1st.” As it so happened, no free-speech showdown took place. The…

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Many Maryland watermen deny the crab crisis is Trump’s fault. Except it is. – The Washington Post

HOOPERS ISLAND, Md. — There’s something new that has reached this desolate, weathered chain of Chesapeake Bay islands, and it’s starting to choke the watermen’s way of life. It’s fear. And that fear is endangering the centuries-old ecosystem around the crab business on these islands. Nearly half of the Eastern Shore’s crab houses have lost…

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