Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach | News | The Guardian

The data analytics firm that worked with Donald Trump’s election team and the winning Brexit campaign harvested millions of Facebook profiles of US voters, in the tech giant’s biggest ever data breach, and used them to build a powerful software program to predict and influence choices at the ballot box. A whistleblower has revealed to…

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Men Legally Allowed to Finish Sex Even If Woman Revokes Consent, NC Law States – Broadly

North Carolina is the one state where the law explicitly says you cannot revoke consent once it’s given. A bill that would remove this “unacceptable loophole” has little traction. Photo by Simone Becchetti via Stocksy One May evening in 1977, Beverly Hester was sexually assaulted. According to the summary included in the North Carolina Supreme…

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What the Hell Is Going On

Photo: Getty Over the past few weeks, Donald Trump has been trying to spin the continual chaos around him—including the departure of top aides like Hope Hicks and Gary Cohn resigning—as an example of a calm White House that is merely “seeking perfection.” But on Tuesday, some bajillion things happened that show only what we’ve…

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Rex In Peace 

Photo: Getty Donald Trump has fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and is nominating CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace him. The Washington Post was the first to report the news. Tillerson has often found himself publicly at odds with Trump when it came to major issues like North Korea, the decision to move America’s…

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Trump ousts Tillerson, will replace him as secretary of state with CIA chief Pompeo – The Washington Post

President Trump has ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and plans to nominate CIA Director Mike Pompeo to replace him as the nation’s top diplomat, orchestrating a major change to his national security team amid delicate negotiations with North Korea, White House officials said Tuesday. Trump last Friday asked Tillerson to step aside, and the…

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Tommy Wiseau’s Amazing Joker Audition Proves He’s the Only One for the Role – VICE

Oh hai, Batman. Last month, Variety reported that Hangover director Todd Phillips was in talks with Joaquin Phoenix to star in the stand-alone Joker origin film—a compelling choice to play the Batman villain who could probably give the character a depth we haven’t seen since Heath Ledger. But following Variety‘s announcement, another actor unexpectedly threw…

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Baltimore Cops Carried Toy Guns to Plant on People They Shot, Trial Reveals – VICE

One officer involved in the city’s massive corruption scandal said officers kept the replicas “in case we accidentally hit somebody or got into a shootout, so we could plant them.” Last week, the beginning of an explosive corruption trial involving eight members of Baltimore’s elite Gun Trace Task Force revealed that a handful of Baltimore…

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Trump: ‘Meet The Press’ Host Chuck Todd Is “A Sleeping Son of A Bitch” | Deadline

Image: NBC News President Donald Trump’s rambling, hour-long speech outside Pittsburgh today reserved special ire for Meet The Press host Chuck Todd, who was called a “sleeping son of a bitch.” The NBC News host was lambasted along with Oprah, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and several news channels, as Trump free-associated his way through a speech designed…

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