Rob Porter’s history of domestic abuse wasn’t a secret.

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An art critic explains what the Guggenheim was really saying when it offered Trump a golden toilet – The Washington Post

In street terms, what the Guggenheim just did — refusing an art request from the White House but offering instead the loan of a golden toilet — is a “sick burn.” According to Washington Post reporter Paul Schwartzman, the White House asked the New York museum if it could borrow a van Gogh painting, which…

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Pentagon unveils new nuclear weapons strategy, ending Obama-era push to reduce U.S. arsenal – The Washington Post

The Pentagon released a new nuclear arms policy Friday that calls for the introduction of two new types of weapons, effectively ending Obama-era efforts to reduce the size and scope of the U.S. arsenal and minimize the role of nuclear weapons in defense planning. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said in an introductory note to the new policy…

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CNN Had Booked Holocaust-Denying Candidate On Multiple Shows | Hollywood Reporter

Arthur Jones, a Republican congressional candidate described as a “neo-Nazi,” was interviewed by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on Thursday morning. The Internet was set ablaze on Thursday by an interview on CNN’s New Day morning show. Over six and a half uncomfortable minutes, co-anchor Alisyn Camerota grilled Arthur Jones, an avowed Holocaust denier and racist who will likely be…

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Trump and Republicans discover the perils of touting the stock market – The Washington Post

President Trump and congressional Republicans have spent much of the past year trying to connect a giddy stock market rally with their economic agenda, but stocks’ precipitous plunge in the past five days has delivered a sobering reality: What goes up can come back down — quickly and with little warning. With Monday’s steep fall,…

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Lady Doritos, the patron saint of outrage marketing | The Outline

Thanks to the breakneck pace of social media and a journalistic climate that favors insta-takes over measured analysis, the process of provocation, backlash, and counter-backlash can now be completed in record time. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane to last February, when Donald Trump’s steak preferences caused a national furor. A pointless International Journalism…

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