Is Bill O’Reilly Going Off the Air?

On vacation. Photo: Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images Embattled Fox News host Bill O’Reilly announced tonight that he is taking a vacation. O’Reilly’s decision to go off the air in the midst of a sexual harassment scandal and advertiser boycott arguably has the appearance of a suspension, but O’Reilly worked to dispel that notion. He announced…

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Sean Spicer Concedes Hitler Used Chemical Weapons on Jews in ‘the Holocaust Centers’

Sean Spicer is reliably, sometimes even endearingly, terrible at his job as Press Secretary. But his comments during Tuesday’s press briefing on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Adolf Hitler are astonishing. Not just because they’re blatantly, breathtakingly wrong, but because a man whose job is remembering and relaying facts can’t accurately recount one of the…

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Left Rising on Facebook – Axios

A majority of the most-engaged partisan Facebook pages are left-leaning or affiliated with Trump resistance movements, according to NewsWhip, the social analytics measurement company. Axios’ Sara Fischer reports that even more telling is that most of the left-leaning pages are out-performing some of the most trafficked news competitors in overall engagement. Why it matters: Facebook is a…

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You’re Not Mad at United Airlines; You’re Mad at America :: Politics :: Features :: United Airlines :: Paste

There’s a saying that is sometimes attributed to Karl Marx or Slavoj Zizek—apocryphally, in both cases—that tidily sums up the existential angst some Americans feel at the start of a traditional work week: You don’t hate Mondays. You hate capitalism. The simple thesis here is that there’s nothing intrinsic to “Monday,” which is just a…

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Sessions orders Justice Dept. to end forensic science commission, suspend review policy – The Washington Post

Attorney General Jeff Sessions will end a Justice Department partnership with independent scientists to raise forensic science standards and has suspended an expanded review of FBI testimony across several techniques that have come under question, saying a new strategy will be set by an in-house team of law enforcement advisers. In a statement Monday, Sessions…

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