The science world is freaking out over this 25-year-old’s answer to antibiotic resistance – ScienceAlert

  A 25-year-old student has just come up with a way to fight drug-resistant superbugs without antibiotics. The new approach has so far only been tested in the lab and on mice, but it could offer a potential solution to antibiotic resistance, which is now getting so bad that the United Nations recently declared it a “fundamental…

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An Open Letter From Elizabeth Holmes – Theranos Newsroom

For our stakeholders, After many months spent assessing our strengths and addressing our weaknesses, we have moved to structure our company around the model best aligned with our core values and mission. We have decided to close our clinical labs and Theranos Wellness Centers, which will impact approximately 340 employees in Arizona, California, and Pennsylvania. …

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Why Is It Still So Difficult To Access The Morning-After Pill? – The Establishment

Thanks to Affordable Care Act insurance reform, prescribed contraception must be covered by all insurance plans without a co-pay, meaning the majority of Americans now have access to primary forms of birth control—their “plan A” contraception. As nearly everyone who has ever had potentially procreative sex knows, however, the need for back-up is crucial to peace of mind, whether or…

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Addiction Is a Learning Disorder

Catherine Townsend-Lyon, 53, started gambling excessively when she was 30. As a result, her 40th birthday wasn’t much of a celebration: She was hospitalized, shortly after a suicide attempt. She’d tried to slit her wrists the day she’d missed her best friend’s funeral, after stealing money from her job at a credit service to play…

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